8/13/20 – Sunride Takes a Spill in Vermont
Mid-day I rode on both sides of the Connecticut River dividing New Hampshire and Vermont. I stopped at a Cambodian restaurant for a light take-out lunch, put Sunride up on the center stand, and entered the building. When I came out, poor Sunride had somehow toppled over. There wasn’t any wind, so I ruled that out as the cause. Then I noticed two divots in the blacktop where Sunride had stood. I hadn’t even considered the blacktop being soft, although it was a 90-degree day. I stood the bike up and assessed the damages. There were none. Everything was intact. I enjoyed my Cambodian summer rolls at the outdoor picnic table then resumed riding.
I explored the North Rail Trail that ran along the river. It was nice but mostly gravel so I decided to simply explore the small towns of Lebanon, New Hampshire, then over to Woodstock, Bridgewater, and Plymouth, Vermont.

Vermont is carpeted green. You don’t even have to go up in an airplane to see it. The rolling hills give great views. I rode 80 miles in total visiting the home of Calvin Coolidge, 30thPresident of the United States.

President Coolidge was known for being rather quiet and sometimes cryptic. When once asked what the sermon was about at church, Calvin replied with a single word “sin.” When asked further what the minister had to say about sin, Cal replied, “He’s against it.” The Coolidge homestead seemed simple and unpretentious. He lived in a day when an ordinary person could become President. Today it takes big, big money to even run. A lot of change can happen in 100 years.
I saw four covered bridges as I rode from town to town.

Two different people flagged me down to inquire about Sunride. I always enjoy sharing the story of how Sunride came to be and what the adventure is about.
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