9/27/20 – Alaska Day 3 So far, so good.
It was a glorious sunny day so I took off early riding the Chester Creek Trail, the Cambell Creek Trail, Moose Loop and back. Fortunately, today, there were no nasty ill-tempered bull moose in rut on the trail. I don’t know why they’re so ornery when they’re in rut. I’m pretty happy when I am.

Along the swift flowing creek I saw two pairs of ducks. Two males, fetchingly colorful, and two females. I thought of our friends the Wrights and the Wheelers. They paddled along the edge in single file out of the main flow of the stream pecking at things on the bank. They looked so happy. I guess if you’re a duck this is one of the best places to be, here and Eugene.
It was the kind of day you felt like you could ride forever. My hands, even in gloves, did get cold. I had to stop a couple of times and warm them in my arm pits. I doubled back to Kriner’s Diner to warm up with several cups of hot water with lemon and honey (my drink), and a Reuben sandwich, one of the best I’ve ever had. It was a close second to the unbeatable Reuben at Goose Hollow Tavern back in Portland.
In three hours of riding this morning I went 40 miles and used only two bars of battery charge. It appears my math is correct. I’m on track for going 100 miles in the great state of Alaska!