Election 2020

The evening of Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020 was remarkable. I went to bed thinking Trump would win based on the states where he was leading. It looked like Biden would stall at 250 electoral votes. By morning things had changed. Now Biden was leading in Wisconsin and Michigan. Those two states, along with Nevada, constituted a path to victory at exactly the magic number of 270 electoral votes. If Trump carried all the states he was still leading in, he would get 268. Wow! This is exciting! Close elections make you feel like your vote really counts. Of course, all votes really count. It’s the one time in all of life that I feel sovereign. We voters, collectively, grant the power to our leaders to run the country.

By the weekend, Biden pulled ahead in Pennsylvania and Georgia with 99% of the vote counted. Several states were decided by less than 1%. I feel so proud of the country, with a record turnout of voters. President Trump got more votes this time than he did the last time, but Joe got millions more, winning both the popular vote and the Electoral College Vote. Way to go, Joe! Congratulations to the President Elect!
Sunride will conclude riding in the 50thstate of Hawaii on January 18th, two days before the 46thPresident is sworn in. Beginning at the starting point of the Ironman race, we plan to take a celebration victory lap around the island of Oahu. We will gaze out across the Ocean from Diamond Head; and we will pause and pray at Pearl Harbor. God bless America. What a country!
I see you’re wearing a red jacket in the first picture to show who was initially in the lead, but have changed to a blue jacket in the second picture to indicate the winner. Very clever. Love the flags!
It was an exciting week, wasn’t it Suzanne?