Sunride sponsorships
Prior to the 2020 Presidential election I will ride my solar powered electric bicycle to all 50 United States. The purpose is:
- To showcase solar energy by crossing the country on sunshine
- To highlight electric transportation
- Encourage fitness
Sponsors will have a unique and highly visible opportunity to show their active participantion in the green energy movement. A $500 sponsorship buys a decal with your name and logo on the bike and on our website ( We will cover 5,000 miles of highway, visit colleges, state capitals, and a variety of venues beginning with the national Solar Energy Industries Association conference in Salt Lake City, Utah September 23-26, 2019, to be attended by 20,000 participants.
The bike with a custom rooftop solar array will be quite an attraction. People will look closely at my “Sunride” with delight, snap photos to send to their friends, and you or your company will be identified with all the positives it fosters. We are sure to pick up newspaper and television coverage along the way.
We would like to have you as a sponsor in part because you are already known as a company that cares about the greater good of the world, and/or you can provide valuable service and receive valuable benefit. In some cases, as with a national restaurant chain or hotel chain, part of the consideration for you sponsorship might be goods and services in kind.
Q & A:
- Who is behind this and is Sunride a dream or reality? (See:
- Will there be active support along the way? Yes, my wife Judith Ris will accompany me on parts of the trip driving our small travel trailer carrying gear and supplies.
- Is there a budget for the trip? Yes. $60,000.
- Is there a “go/no go” sponsorship level? The project is a definite “go” even if no sponsors commit; but some already have.
- Are there sponsor opportunities beyond $500? Yes. See attached SunRide sponsorship deck for more information
- Is there a political message? Sunride endorses no political party or candidate but will encourage voters to consider candidates who are favorable toward renewable energy and electric transportation.
Thank you for your consideration. We sincerely hope you can be a part of Sunride.
Thank you to our sponsors: