7/2/20 – Arkansas We left our campsite in Grove, Oklahoma and traveled due east to Missouri. Trees, lots of trees were emerging as we moved away from the Great Plains. The wind lessened, and the flat terrain gave way to
7/1/20 – Reflections of Sunride 3
7/1/20 – Reflections of Sunride 3 Sunride through the Great Plains states is now complete. This is the great wind corridor of the country with thousands of turbines in every state, I saw them in Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota,
6/29/20 – Koch Industries, Wichita, Kansas
6/29/20 – Koch Industries, Wichita, Kansas Today was a travel day. Sunride, not able to operate with a blown rear tire, was carried through Kansas. One of the stops I’d hope to make in Kansas was at Koch Industries in
6/28/20 – Shot Down in Texas
6/28/20 – Shot Down in Texas I planned out my route the day before. From Clayton, NM to Dalhart, TX, then continuing northeast to Texhoma, a small town on the border of Texas and Oklahoma. It would be a 100-mile
6/22/20 – Rapid City, South Dakota
6/22/20 – Rapid City, South Dakota On our first night in Rapid City, South Dakota my cousin Barb came over to our campsite. We sat outside on the picnic table talking. I hadn’t seen her in ten years and we
6/21/20 – Montana, Wyoming
6/21/20 – Montana, Wyoming Father’s Day and the longest day of the year started in southeast Montana. The Big Sky was full of clouds – big, thick, fluffy clouds that occasionally let the relentless sun break through, but only for
What an Adventure!
What an Adventure! First things first. I’ve been told that some comments people made did not get posted on the blog. My apologies for this technical glitch, which I believe has been fixed. Your comments, encouragement, and ideas are greatly
9/26/19 – Day 23 – Solar Power International Convention – Salt Lake City, Utah
9/26/19 – Day 23 – Solar Power International Convention – Salt Lake City, Utah
9/22/19 – Day 19 – Salt Lake City, UT – Resting and Catching Up on Sunday
9/22/19 – Day 19 – Salt Lake City, UT – Resting and Catching Up on Sunday Today I attended church services at the First Presbyterian Church in Salt Lake City. Sunride stayed outside catching a few rays. When I get
9/22/19 – Day 19 – Salt Lake City, UT – More Tales of the Road – Entering Utah
9/22/19 – Day 19 – Salt Lake City, UT – More Tales of the Road – Entering Utah Snowville is the first town I came to in Utah. Named not for legendary snow falls but after an early pioneer, Mr.